
Friday, May 6, 2016

The Art of Motherhood

The beautiful, fluid and, often times, open to interpretation thing about art is, it is the individual creative expression of a person's heart and perspective.

So if we think about children in the context of being beautiful
 works of art, then we know that 
they are absolute masterpieces,
 every one, without exception. 

Let us use our imagination to travel through 
the art world in unique fashion. 

Some women have a blank space on their wall and have no way to fill it themselves. They go to a gallery and search for the piece that speaks to them and touches their hearts.

They wrap it carefully, and take it home to cherish it for the treasure it is to them. This one of a kind work of art transforms the space forever.

Other women gather paint, canvas, brushes and easel in the place that has the perfect amount of light. Sometimes they take a hunk of clay to fashion it just the way they imagine it should be; with tremendous time, herculean effort and every ounce of heart they pour into their art pieces. Nothing comes of it, but they keep trying until one day they look up to discover they have, at long last, created a masterpiece all their own. Sometimes more than one piece is discovered and you find that a collection of art has developed. From this moment and for years after, you protect your collection and never tire of admiring the individual beauty of their collective value. 
Your masterpieces.

Yet some women give no, or little thought to their art, but paint a canvas with light hearts and tremendous joy. 

These pieces of art are equal in the precious regard the artist holds for them, even though they were created without forethought. 

Art is art, no matter how it was created, whether they came to them by earnest search, a hard fought battle or complete surprise.

The works of art that belong to them are priceless masterpieces, 
always to be held close, never to be traded. Always to be shown off with tremendous pride.

So Mom, however 
you achieved it,

We thank you for being you. 

We are glad we are yours.

And if you cannot answer to the name
and want to in the worst way..... 


that in some beautiful 
unexpected turn of events 
you will find your masterpiece and 
your masterpiece will find you.

The hope that you will be 
honored to hear the words

Happy Mother's Day


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