
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Utterly Transformed

Winged Shadows Gliding 
along the surface of the earth.

Caterpillars inching along
the length of the limb.

Butterfly roaming free, 
reaching great heights.

Caterpillar slowly making progress,  
tiny distances covered.

Once it was a caterpillar, 
that delicately painted butterfly, 
until it went to a 
place of isolation, 
darkness and silence.
It remained still as time ticked away.

Sun up, sun down.
Day after day, 
in quiet stillness it lay.

Then suddenly, it happened..... 
emerging from darkened isolation. 
Itself, yet utterly transformed.

Wings wet, it sits. 
The passing minutes blend together. 
The butterfly opens its wings once, 
twice, three times and.... stillness.

Then in a fraction of a breath,
it makes the expansive blue sky its home.

Up, up, up and away on this venture so fresh.
Free to travel, great miles to roam.

Are you a caterpillar or a butterfly?
 Am I?
Maybe not, but encouragement is to be found.
You may be a leaf eater and long to be a 
beautifully painted glider on a passing current..... 
figuratively speaking, of course!

Alas, the pattern is the same for we human types.
Getting to the place we want to be, can be a slow journey.
The view can be dim and before the desires 
of our hearts can meet us, 
often we must dwell in a place that feels 
dark, lonely and far too quiet.

In those places, we grow, we change and we, much like
the butterfly, once a caterpillar, will one day emerge 
from our dark place into the light as ourselves, 
yet utterly transformed.

If you find yourself in a place
 you would rather not be,
doing tasks you would rather not be doing....
simply be still.

Your day, your moment and all its glorious purpose 
will reveal itself in the proper time. 

Hang around like a caterpillar
and soon you will, like the butterfly.....
Take flight.