
Thursday, March 24, 2016

This Beautiful Transformational Thing

Spring, the time when all things become new.
The landscape turns green, moist with dew.
The baby animals cry out their arrival,
The free roaming ones and the domestic types too.

Easter is upon us, see for yourself;
The calendar confirms it's true.
This is the best time of the year.
The time we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead
To make new creatures...
loved, protected and saved...out of me and out of you.

He did it for every person, not just a few.
He did this beautiful transformational thing.
He did it on purpose, not wanting our lives to be worthless,
aimless, out of whack, completely askew.

Don't get discouraged about getting it right.
 Don't get down in the mouth because everything isn't perfect that you do.

Be not dismayed as the world grows more wild.
God is far from through.
The place to start is to simply say:

"Dear Lord, on this day,
 I want to be your child."