
Friday, October 24, 2014

Invisible Heroes

Are you the hero in your own life? Are you the person who knows where the car keys are and which corner the teeny tiny part to that last "fix it" project has found its way into? Did you happen to be the one to check the air pressure in the tires and add a quart of oil to keep the car rolling along safely? Mow the grass so your children can play soccer in the back yard? Hold your father's hand while he quietly kept vigil over his brother's hospital bed? Did you lay out the clothes before they were requested? Did you make dinner, adding that extra ingredient of love that inexplicably makes it all taste that much better? Well, I can promise, you that if you answered "no" to my first question and "yes" to some of the others, or could to some similar, you, my friend, are someone's hero.

You should look at that face in the mirror and forget the freckles, the chicken pox scar on your forehead, and your unruly cowlick. Look, instead, at the person who is comfort, fun, wisdom, and the glue that the people in your life love and depend on so completely. When they look at you, this is what they see, not to mention the reflection of every good thing about themselves that can be seen in your eyes, each time they look your way.

A hero by Webster's definition: Any person, especially a man, admired for qualities or achievements and regarded as an ideal or model.....A central figure in any important event or period, honored for outstanding qualities.

When we go through our days quietly making a difference and making a mark, not seen at first glance, it is easy to miss the treasure trail we leave as we walk through the day to day "stuff". But, it IS there and it WILL make a difference that matters in the moment and eternally. Words that are lived, rather than words that are spoken, impress the heart and leave the mind and heart of those in our company with an effect that changes everything. God sent us His Word in the flesh and it is this Word lived out, not just spoken, that changed it all forever.

A hero, by my definition, is a person who lives a life quietly, leading by example all those who will follow, to the foot of the cross. There is no other path worth wasting even one footfall on, one whisper to encourage
an alternate route. I will repeat my question.....Do you see yourself as a hero?

                                                            GOD DOES!