
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Humor Can

Humor can hammer the serious nature
of anything down a few pegs.

Humor can defuse an emotional
time bomb.

Humor can help us look at the upside
down things of this world and keep us
right side up.

Humor can make the work day feel shorter,
The season more enjoyable and
the undoable, doable.

Humor can craft a smile, shore up a shaky
 relationship and take the sting out of bad news.

Humor if  you want to share a
beautiful gift........Offer humor.            

It's In Our Hands

Preparation for the unexpected can't happen, 
however, today can be a good day.
It all depends on how you react to the events
of the day as they unfold.. 

 It's in our attitude  
  It's in our choices  
       It's in our perspective 

Be in training everyday so when the 
unexpected comes knocking, you can answer
armed with attitude that announces confidently,
"I am hope soaked, joy filled, and unafraid to 
trample on the fear monster whatever form it takes."

Sword drawn, I will cut down the ugly to give
beauty room to stretch, grow deep roots and 
establish an unextinguishable presence.

It's The Company Shared

Flowing words, glowing reviews
Christmas dinner, chaos usually ensues
Timing.......that's a big one
Preparation beginning before the
rising of the sun. Attention to detail
on every front...all that and the take
away is not place settings or 
decorations motivated......
It's the company shared, the laughter
floating up, the memories made and
the memories remembered.......
family, friends, and a deed well done.
It's all that from the rising, long past, 
 the setting of the sun.
It's with peace in our hearts that 
we gather to celebrate God's best 
gift, His offering to us to choose joy
and peace for eternity; the chance
to know, receive and worship His
 one and only Son.