
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A Quiet Place Found

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz 
goes the Bee. 
Buzz, Buzz, Buzz 
goes the doorbell, announcing
 the arrival of someone I cannot see.

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz 
goes the many thoughts,
unanswered in my head. 

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz
goes the alarm clock, stirring me from slumber   
to get my attention going toward
the tasks of the day, that are lots and lots in number.

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz 
goes the phone, the 
millionth notification of the day.
Technology is brilliant, but for the 
privilege, there is a price we must all pay!

Away, Away, Away, Away
I go from buzzing doors,
clocks, phones and thoughts.

A quiet place sought.

A quiet place found.

To center my thoughts, my heart, my choices
done successfully as I step away from the many clamoring voices.

In silence I sit.

That still, small voice filled with love, wisdom, 
guidance and a sweet sense of humor comes clear. 
I can hear it and with an open heart, I draw near. 
All that has felt upside down and inside out feels
not so bad. 
In fact, it all suddenly 
feels just right!