
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Twig or Rock

I read a quote Thomas Jefferson said...."In matters of style, swim with the current, in matters of principle, stand like a rock." That was Thomas Jefferson's position. My question for myself and you, as well, would be....Are you a twig floating aimlessly down the river or a rock that causes the flow of water to bend around your solid position?  To believe passionately enough to hold your position in the face of opposition. Unwavering in your convictions, steadfast in matters of honor, determined to walk with integrity, even at great cost or not. 

Twig or Rock
Float Unencumbered
Stand against the Current diverting it's present path. 

Float or Stand?

We know Thomas Jefferson's position...Do we know ours?

It's a question to be pondered, considered, but above all answered.