
Saturday, November 1, 2014

The View In The Rear View Mirror

Several springs ago, I went out to be a part of the beauty and splendor. It went something like this:

The last few days the weather has been beyond desirable. Warm sun, cool breeze, bright blue sky, and to put the cherry on top, the evidence of spring catches your eye from every corner.

My trusty, furry friend, Emma and I took a walk one day. We had been adjusting to our routine in a new neighborhood with unknown places to walk and explore. From Emma's perspective, the new things to sniff caused her nub of a tail to wag continuously. 

We walked together in comfy companionship, enjoying every sight, sound, and smell. Soon,we were met with a hill that began to feel a bit like a mountain. I dared to look back and to my surprise, we had traveled a good distance. We had a ways to go to reach the top, but it encouraged my heart to see the strides we had made. The view was quite lovely and a thought began to form as we continued up the hill. 

Looking back in life's rear view mirror is usually not suggested or encouraged in any way. We all remember Lot's wife and no one wants that experience. Living with regret or talking yourself into believing it was all so much better the way things once were, is never a good idea. 

What about an assessment of how far we have come from the place we started? Look back and see the height you have reached in your ability to be a loving and supportive spouse, or an encouraging and effective parent, a valued employee or boss, the way you play the piano, or react to a frustrating is all progress.

We are doing these things one step, one day, one tiny moment at a time and it helps to pause and realize how far you've come. Let the progress urge you forward to reach greater heights. If you get tired along the way, stretch out your hand and open your heart; God will grab your hand and pull you further than your imagination alone could ever carry you.

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