Fancy Pants, Circumstance
Time to play the part
Fulfill the role
The music plays, it's time to do the dance.
People looking on, watching your every move.
Get in the rhythm, find your groove.
Stains on your shirt, holes in your pants,
Putting your best foot forward,
giving it your whole heart and coming up short.
The way things are,
do not have to remain.
This stressful vigil you will not need to maintain.
What is now does not, in the future have to be.
Invisible, as you walk through each day,
no one to look on, no one there to see.
This world, this large encompassing place.
Your world, your people, your situations, your responsibilities.
All before you they stand.
Top of the world or bottom of the heap.
Remember you are important, you are special, even grand!
For each one of us, no matter which country,
no matter if you are a man, a woman,
or a small child.
No matter how you believe,
what you believe,
one thing is true for all.
Our world has gone wild.
Every person everywhere needs, above all,
to live in a place accessible to the masses and
frequented by few.
Whoever you are,
regardless of your hair cut, fashion sense, or origin of race,
we, the people, of this world
need to live in the state called grace.
God created it and made room for everyone.
The work is done.
Take a trip today, without hesitation or delay.
In the state of grace, peace dwells and is neighbors with joy.
The world may not settle,
but your heart can find rest.
It is what I recommend.
What I sincerely suggest.
Speak in loud shouts or whispered tones.
Your voice will be heard.
Just say:
"Hey God, it's me.
Come into my heart today.
My burdens are too great, my life too gray.
I want to live in that state called grace and
permanently leave this emotionally barren place.
I lay it all down, all that I have carried and been.
I didn't know it had a name, but I realize now,
it is a thing called sin.
I will make you this trade,
my sin for your love and grace.
My hardened attitude for one of patience, understanding,
and reverence where due.
I want to begin this sweet journey to be more like you.
From this day onward,
I will be yours and you will be mine.
What spectacular feelings this produces, there are no proper words, it is a wonderfulness I struggle to properly define.
As the world continues to spin somewhat out of control and kindness stretches thin,
I will stand tall and take what comes on the chin,
because I win .......the God of the universe,
I will hereafter, call my Papa and........
I find it
positively divine!"
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