Between a rock and a hardened place.
It can happen, those rough spots and tight jams.
They occur, gnaw at you like a burr.....
Irritate, agitate, aggravate......
Overwhelm you with what looks up at you
from your overflowing plate.
It pays to pause and recognize
what is the root, what is the cause.
Identify the source.....and with this information
create a plan and plot a course.
A way of escape from what pains your body
And weighs down your soul.
The little unnotable things
that take an exacting toll.
This isn't a matter of checking it out
with everyone you know.....
And taking a poll.
As a matter of fact, how can I say this?
I must use a measure of tact.
It is no one's business;
no one's authority has any power
here except your own.
Weed out the confusion, lock the door of open opinion
and hang a sign that declares.....NO ENTRY.....
And if need be, POST A SENTRY!
The rough, hard, difficult, challenging, unpleasant,
ongoing, seems like never ending stuff....
can cause us to become gritty, gruff,
and full of some seriously, poisonous, bitter kind of stuff.
Can.....but doesn't have to.....
Speak to that "stuff", tell it to keep moving all the way through,
Don't rest, put up your feet or make yourself comfortable here.
No room or welcome will be made,
No red carpet will be laid.
Be assured, getting weary or discouraged is no sin,
but don't let those things live in you.....
It makes it impossible to win.
Our hearts are resilient, but they have limits,
they can break.....
We, as humans, have a great deal at stake.
So don't let those rough spots harden your heart
or turn you into stone.
Be comforted by the truth that,
as hard as life deals with us,
we DO NOT walk through it alone!
God is absolutely with us and securely on His throne!
So, between a rock and a hard place?
Don't let it harden you!
God is the solid rock upon which we stand.
Lean into the rock and away from the hard place.
You will discover the tenderness and strength you need.
The Love, care and security you require
in those moments
when you feel
under duress and under fire.
When between a rock and a hard place,
don't allow it to cause the inside of you
to become a hardened space.
Let God's strength and tenderness seep into your heart.
Open that your part.
It's a brand new day.....Make it a brand new start!