June, no gloom
June, it's a birthday month
Time to sing that annual tune
June, the ceremonies are in full swing
Weddings and Graduations
Lots of Happy hearts
testing their wings
Yes June, a time of transitions and letting go
Trusting the decisions
of the ones you love
giving them the space
to learn and grow
Interesting thought to ponder, this business of letting go.
It doesn't mean to disregard and turn your back....
It means it is time to wait in the wings while
the bride, the groom, the graduate
take center stage in their own life.
But when it comes to love, there is no age...
it isn't required
Hugs have no expiration
Kind words never go out of fashion
So, let go with confidence as the new season unfolds.
Surprises, treasured moments, and unexpected adventures
are all up ahead
Immerse yourself into today
Enjoy it in every way
Don't long for yesterday
or fret for tomorrow...
Let go
Love on
Prepare for new adventures.