
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Are you Packin' ?

The assumption, the automatic, rather unconscious conclusion a person can arrive at when we hear the word "baggage" is "burden".

Not the baggage you surrender upon arrival at the airport 
and later claim 
as you spot it riding on the carousel 
with other pieces of luggage.

The kind of baggage that implies the contents could be ugly, scary, every unpleasant thing short of overgrown and hairy. 
Some possibilities may be resentment, heartbreak, anger, jealously, fear, or vengeful intentions. 

However, it doesn't have to be that way. 
It doesn't need to be at all.
Do you see the glass? Is it half empty or half full?  
Or does it have anything in it at all?

Did you look for the silver lining today or was your eye fixed on the grey in the clouds? When your ears heard them, were the birds singing a lovely song or making an annoying racket?

When things went all pear shaped at work, 
did you hang on, expecting it to be better 
or did you run for the door exclaiming, 
"Forget this, I just can't hack it"?

When your spouse made that same cutting, hurtful comment, did you let it roll off your back or push away from the table, head toward the door and on the way, grab your jacket?

It isn't in the situations, circumstance and conversations. 
It isn't in what is fair or good or right and true. 
Often, it isn't in the atmosphere or on the horizon.

On many occasions you won't find
the good thing you are seeking in anything or anyone but you.

So pack your arsenal and be always prepared. 
Be fully loaded with an attitude that expects the best in circumstance and in people.
Move in love, even when you are greeted with hate. 
Never give in, confidently knowing it isn't over;
 it isn't too late. 
Be determined to stand against the ugly, 
but don't allow the ugly to get into you. 

Carry with you ready smiles, and warm hugs.
 Uplifting words and an ever encouraging thought. 
Let people know that chasing a dream is the most fun and excitement life can give. 
That the dream sought, with the right heart, will sooner or even sometimes later, eventually be caught. 

So what is it today that is slung over your back? 
Is it baggage to weigh you down, 
hold you back and rip you apart? 
Or could it be a carefully supplied arsenal, 
loaded for bear, to bring sunshine to the grey day 
and light into the dimly lit space?
Is it possible that you could be the one to carry hope afresh into a hopeless situation absent of all mercy and grace?

Life is an art. Paint in the beauty. 
Today is a perfect place to begin anew. 
The slate wiped clean; the past no longer in view. 
Pack up your arsenal. It's a day waiting with possibility. 
I encourage you to make that new start.

 After all, the sky is the limit when you greet the day packin', 
fully loaded and you do a little extra....
more than just your part!