
Friday, August 8, 2014

Leaving it undone

Leaving certain things undone have unremarkable consequences. Leaving the dinner dishes until morning is one. It may be a bummer to be greeted with yesterdays grime and toil, but no harm comes. Leaving the lawn to grow an extra day. Not a real biggie on the undone list. Grass simply doesn't grow that fast. Hair undone until the last drop of morning coffee trickles down your grateful throat. No one cares.

The price is exacted from leaving a conversation until later, the one that you ended up never being able to have. Or having a conversation you wished back the moment it happened and then the apology went unspoken. It comes, that heavy price in the form of promises you intended to keep, but they were left undone. The problem with the undone things...conversations...promises...and  projects of worth is, left undone, they undo you. Say the words, especially the hard ones without delay. Honor your promises even though it's inconvenient. Apologize, though it be humbling. Hug now. Kiss now. Cuddle now. Encourage now. Smile now. Love now. Laugh now. Expect the best now. Live now...don't leave it undone.