Doodles and dawdles
Ducks with endearing waddles
Webbed feet and fluffy feathers
Rounded beak, so sweet I can hardly speak
Bunny zippy, darting, hopping, jumping
Nose all a twitch, so much fun.
My side is in a stitch.
Laughter and smiles
tumble over one another like
the current in a stream trips over rocks.
Flowers everywhere; my eyes full of color
and my nose tickles with the scent of spring.
Blue skies prevail over the grey of winter.
White puffy clouds take the stage in its direct center.
Breezes blow cool and sun warms my cheeks.
The heavy load of this life lifts a might
in the face of such beauty and laughter and delight.
It is an ever present truth, those trials of life...
Some tiny in scope, others loom large,
But through it all, keep your smile at hand
and a spare laugh in your pocket
To determine to rise above the fray...
To decide to do it with fresh strength every day.
New beginnings in this season of renewal.
It's a great time to remind yourself that you are a precious gem,
a completely one of a kind jewel.
Your worth is priceless.
Your reason for being... unique.
You are like no other!
Remind yourself each day
and every hour...
on the minute, if need be.
You are extraordinary...truly,
with an adjustment to your heart
and a tweak to your thoughts...
You will realize you are a treasure to your
heavenly Father
and the friends and family that surround you.
There is no reason to feel so abjectly low and pervasively blue.
Swing open the window wide and let the light pour in.
Switch out the mirror you've been looking in.
Shed light on the truth, let it out of that box.
It is the one marked with the label...
It indicates that at this thing called life, though the
path has been rough and the climb rocky and steep,
you are a Champion!
Tuck yourself safely into your heavenly Father's
lap and allow His protective arms to encircle you in safety and in peace.
That thing you have been longing for, waiting for, craving with all your being....
Peace, Rest, Relief from the Grief
Lift up your head and open your eyes...
It's there in your reach.
It won't move away from your grasp on the particularly hard days
or on the ones spent at the beach!
or on the ones spent at the beach!