
Sunday, December 4, 2016

I Thought

I thought I knew what was happening.....
but it turned out different.

I thought I was right, but it wasn't.....
so it turned out different.

I thought I knew what came next, in 
fact I was certain.....but it turned out different.

I thought I wanted to be a part of it, I thought 
was on my way.....but it turned out different.

I thought there was no recourse, I was out of resource
and at a dead end. I thought it was all over. I was
discouraged. From this I could not hide or put on a 
happy face and pretend.

But what happened was better than I imagined.....The
people that showed up and the opportunities that came
along.....Peace came into my circumstance, this I know
was not happenstance. I thought the brick wall was
permanent and as it turned out, it all came about in the
most unexpected fashion. It all turned out different.   

Better than imagined.
More than expected
Sweeter than I ever thought possible
It all turned out dramatically, dynamically, different.