
Thursday, December 1, 2016

For Some, For All

Tick Tock Goes The Clock
Clip Clop Goes The Horses Hooves
Against The Cobble Stoned Streets
Whoosh Whoosh Goes The Wind
As It Blows Briskly Through The Trees

The season is changing
Christmas is coming 
For some, it means a wintery,
Chilling hot cocoa kind of feeling.
For others a sunny, sandy, breezy day
sounds appealing.
Whatever is familiar, whatever stirs the heart
and brings memories bubbling to the top.
Whether Christmas means........ 
Building a snowman or building a sand castle,
The magic key to turn is doing it together,
no matter the weather.

Traditions honored
Traditions created
What is on your agenda?
What do you have slated?

Time, sweet time together 
to laugh, to share, 
to go out of your way to say you care.
Not to put it off, not to be bitter or to scoff.
Not to tell someone where to get off.

Be the flame for the moth,
The light that brightens someone's day.
Begin a new habit in this season to go out of your way.
Extend yourself  and make a difference in a life.
It just might stick 
It just might stay.

Stop, look, listen
with your eyes,
with your ears and an open heart.

Christmas is about
 believing in the impossible.
Celebrating the incredible 
and receiving the love that was sent, 
to not one, but to all.
Understanding the profound depth
 and personal attention given in that gift,
That first Christmas...
For each of us, it is inevitable.