Turkey, it gets a good deal of attention this time of year. Featured in stories, pageants, silly songs, craft projects executed by three year olds, endless advertisements from cars to mattresses.....and why? Well, because great, great, great, great, great, great Grandfather Tom lived in the woodland area, where on that day it seemed like a good idea to have turkey for dinner. Can't say I disagree, turkey is just good eatin'.
I like the aftermath. After the knives, forks, spoons and plates, each dish and guest have been accounted for.......after the good byes have been said, and hugs exchanged with a kiss and a squeeze.
After the midnight pie has been digested.....shhhh don't tell, 'cause let's face it....on no diet plan will you find that one suggested. Sleep comes.
The day after arrives, left overs burden the fridge.......A sign hangs in the kitchen:
"Cook is gone to soak her feet."
Now, I add up the ingredients of the aftermath:
Duty done...............................................X
Love bestowed....................................................X
Left overs consumed.......................................................X
Reward Arrives
The day after, the day after; this is the day we have turkey tacos. From the time I was small, the day after, the day after I have enjoyed them all. I have one thing more, a great honor. A thank you I give in posterity most certain, in his day they long ago drew the curtain.
I am thankful for the day after the day after; it's all because of the original sacrifice of great, great, great, great, great, great Grandfather Tom.