
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Familiar Sounds

Familiar sounds
Creaky Floors
Squeaky Doors
Trash Trucks
Mail Trucks
Delivery Vans
Lawn Mowers
Leaf Blowers

A child laying against his mother's breast drifts off to sleep, hearing the rhythm of her heart beat.

A man follows the sound in the distance of a sheep's bleat. Chickens cluck in protest as you collect the eggs. Horses stomp their feet with displeasure, one after another, as you move to clean their feet, with a fuss and a whinny as they submit and bend a leg.

A woman wakes to the sound of a heart monitor alarm warning of trouble. Without hesitation,.. she moves to fix the problem. Silence. The sound not heard. You can make your feelings heard when your blood runs hot. You can do it without saying a word.

A front door screen crashes against the frame, kids are home. 

Shower turns on.... dad is up.
Pots is cooking.
T.V. blares....grandpa is watching.

Someone knocks, seven locks are undone to let them in. Determined to triumph over discouragement and overwhelming crime, this battle, you will have it no other will win.

Cheers and laughter fill the air at the announcement of a new child that would soon be there.

 Boots thunder on the entry floor. Solider son arrives 3 days early....all you can do is stop and stare. You embrace him, sobs released, your heart can't believe he is there.

Sounds of home. It is all different and all the same.

You are part of something....a family.

Familiar know them well. 
Some Sad
Some happy
Some funny 
Some annoying 
Some sweet. 
Some important, some not so much. 
The sounds of home....its our hearts they touch.