
Monday, July 11, 2016

It's The Truth, Don't Cha Know

Tears are the current upon which our pain leaves us.

Let them flow....

Let it rip.
 Let them go. 
Drain the pain.
Cleanse your soul.

 Bottling it up takes such an outrageous toll. 

Tears bubble up and overflow. 
They come from the 
deep place
 in each of us,
 that we all know. 

Through blurry eyes, lashes wet, 
we can often see more clearly.
Adjust an attitude or alter a perspective 
that has been long set.


Let them flow, sometimes happy, often times sad. 
We float our emotions 
on every drop. 

We can experience sympathy, empathy, anger, joy, and
 profound hurt; 
all catching a ride on a current of tears. 
We can go with them,
 grow with them, 
show people we care with them.

Tears show up at births, 
first days of school,
 last days of work, 
and the times we pinch our fingers, stub our toes,
walk into doors and break our nose. 
The moments when we notice 
the diamond ring 
attached to the offered rose.

Life is filled with choices, opportunities, celebrations, milestones,
calamities, tragedies, unrelenting opposing voices. 
We have all experienced some 
and some have experienced 
all of these. 


 Don't shy away or push them down; 
they are meant to be a
 helpful companion
 to get you through life 
emotionally connected. 
Can't escape this life 
without being 
emotionally affected.

 Shutting down, holding feelings at arms length; 
it's a time honored tradition,
 widely thought to put your heart
in a protected position.
It isn't so. 

Engage your feelings, 
let your tears flow 
and it is 
emotional strength 
that will grow.

It's the truth, don't cha know. 

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