
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Second Chances

We have heard it and maybe even said it ourselves
 "Everybody deserves a second chance." 

It sounds good. It sounds generous. But when you think about it, what that means is neither good nor generous.   It means, in effect, that you can make one mistake and be forgiven and after that zero grace will be extended to you. Problem with this is, there is not a human being walking the planet that has made a singular error and then lived on in perfection. People are flawed. People don't always get it right and to sit in judgement of another person just because their weaknesses and their mistakes are different than yours is, in and of itself, a mistake.

 We don't need judgement or ridicule. We need grace extended.  Imagine beginning every day with a clean page upon which to write your story. Leaving yesterday as what it is...a point in our history. Living out today and allowing tomorrow to be a mystery to unfold in due time. I am not suggesting we live out our days brushing off any and all personal responsibility for our actions born out of our own choices. I am suggesting, in earnest, that we need to adopt an attitude of grace towards ourselves and especially one another. Ditch the grudge holding, burn the score card, silence the verbal accusations and the gossip that degrades people and wounds them deeply. Speak first with kindness in an effort to uplift and not put down. Look for the good in your loved ones; don't put a magnifying glass on their flaws and sell tickets.

We don't need second chances. We need to begin fresh every single day of our lives. Don't wear yesterday's dirty laundry today. Don fresh clothes with the attitude to match. Lead with kindness. You will discover that you will open doors to peace and close doors to strife.

It's a blend of choosing to be kind, expecting the best from one another and extending grace when the worst happens. It's a decision to praise in public always, and if you have a grievance take it up privately with only the person or persons involved. Public consumption of private matters helps nothing and hurts everyone.

How do you want to be treated? Are you offering your behavior as a reflection of what you hope will return back to you? If not, I respectfully suggest you alter your attitude, adjust your behavior, and begin again.

Not second chances, but grace everyday.

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