
Sunday, February 28, 2016

This is an Instance

Believe it
Receive it
Breathe it in
Speak it out

Do you have something of value to say?

Something before you; dangerous, divisive, despicable and downright wrong?

Are you watching it gain momentum with a growing throng?

Then be the brave, bold voice of truth. 
Don't whisper, but shout it out!!

This is an instance where it is appropriate to not keep silent, 
hold your peace and carefully choose your battles.

Choosing your battles is wise. 
However, the time has come to engage in the fight against wrong. This one has landed at your feet.
This is no time to stay in your seat.

Stand up
Speak up
     Call out........the words of truth, hold fast to what is right.

I ask you to do this, but I will not ask something of you I am not willing to do myself.

Let God go before you, clear the path and make a way. 
The day has come to say what burns in your heart. 
Time to do our part.

So step out of the shadows from the sidelines and off the shelf.

Be a voice of honor, truth and strength. 
How far this will go;
there is no telling the length.

Be a sound, sweet and pleasing to the ears, 
so much so, it will quiet the din.

The promise is true. When all is said and done, lies become dust.
Truth will forever triumph; it will always win!!

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