There are people who get picked up by helicopter and taken to their country house for the weekend along with 25 of their dearest friends. Some people do drink champagne for breakfast out of crystal flutes. Others know how to spin a phrase with such polish, a woman could be talked out of her better judgement.
For the greatest section of society, no matter the price tag you place on it, the idea of romance is actually pretty confusing. What does it mean to be romantic? UMMMMMMMMMM......
The answer could turn into a long discussion; it could, but no need.
It is pretty simple. Not exactly a mystery.
However, there is a secret. Pay attention. That is the secret. Romance is not found in horse drawn carriages or rooms filled with dozens of roses.
Romance is found in the details of thoughtfulness, consideration, and the tiny, often unnoticed, preferences of the one you love, being noticed.
Romance is not about price tag. It is about highlighting the priceless elements of your relationship.
The idea of one magic formula to achieve romance misses the mark. It gets people in trouble, frustrated, and occasionally hurt. The meaning of romance has been lost in translation. Don't try to be bigger than life. Do be thoughtful. Do be present. Do put your affections into action and be simply personal and purely honest.
Come Slip Your Hand
Securely into mine.
We will walk along the water;
Our Bare feet Shuffling in the Sand.
Come Share your thoughts with me.
You will fit right here; slide down into my lap.
I will encircle you in my arms and lean my ear close to catch every word. Carefully I listen leaving no gap.
Come laugh with me as we trade the news of the day. I'll put my arm around your delicate frame and when the telling is through, we will sit together in comfortable silence and your head upon my shoulder you will lay.
And this moment, as millions of moments before,
I will wait with excited expectation to hear you
say, "I Love YOU today and our whole life through."
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