
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fearful Things and Mirrorful Things

Fear is not always a negative. It can be a protection. A natural aversion .....a completely healthy fear of  snakes, badgers,  gossips, sink holes, rock slides, deadlines, bathing suit season, old girlfriends or boyfriends with slight stalking tendencies, public speaking, or private meetings with someone that intimidates you. All understandable encounters to avoid for all the obvious reasons. What if you are afraid of something  that is not obvious? Something not universally feared. What if it is so personal and overwhelming it stops you cold? You make an effort to step away physically or emotionally...... the strength you expend proves almost crippling . You grow tired and nearly give up permanently...... But you can't. 

What mirror are you looking in? 

The one in the bathroom that confirms what you feel, that you need rest and badly.  Your frightening appearance gives you pause. Or is it the mirror that reflects more than your image, but your inner most self? The one rarely seen by the general passerby. The reflection that shows your insecurities and short comings and failures. The fears and regrets of what has been and what has never been. The sum total of  'not good enough'.

I encourage a third and beautiful alternative to the former. Look in the mirror that shows the reflection of what God sees when He looks in your direction. He sees His beautiful child, the one He loves so dearly. He sees all the gifts and purpose He Himself placed inside your very being. He sees the apple of His eye. Hang a sheet on the mirrors of ugly reflection. Lay down the fear and bask in the beauty of God's creation.......YOU!

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